Correcting Billing Mistakes
Common billing mistakes may include:
- Personnel reporting incorrect hours
- Job information, such as rates, were entered incorrectly
- The wrong payment amount was entered on an invoice
There are a few main points to remember when correcting billing issues:
- Jobs and personnel are only editable before the hours are reported. Before this happens, the job/person will be displayed with a "Bill Pending" status. When in the "Bill
Pending" status, personnel (or administrators) can report hours under the Bill Completed Jobs page.
- If a personnel detail is rejected from an invoice, all fees attached to them will also be rejected automatically
- If an invoice is marked as "Paid", you will not be able to remove details from it. The payment itself must be removed before making changes to an invoice.
Let's look at these common scenarios individually.
Invoice Displays Wrong Hours or Rates
If your site does not use the Billing Approval feature, navigate to the invoice where the detail is located. You can do this my using the left search panel under Billing and clicking
Invoice Search. Once the invoice form is opened, click the Reject link next to the user. This will send them back into the "Bill Pending" status so hours can be reported again.
If utilizing the Billing Approval feature, you can perform the same method as above or do so via the Billing Approval page. Here,
you can either press the Reject button to send the detail back into
the "Bill Pending" status so the user can report their hours again, or click the Override button to change the reported details and click Approve.
When using the Billing Approval feature, remember that previously approved details must be "Unapproved" again before you are able to make changes. Check
the Display Only Approved Details box in the search panel to find these.
If you choose, changes can always be made to the job itself once a detail is in the editable "Bill Pending" status.
Incorrect Payment Entries
If a payment is entered incorrectly on an invoice, administrators or personnel administrators will have a couple of options on how to resolve the issue.
If an accidental over payment was entered, it would be shown on the confirmation page in the Apply As Credit field. Simply click Make Changes to correct the entry if it is caught here.
If this was missed, an administrator then must navigate to the employer profile's Credit Tab to manually remove the accidental over payment. Press the red delete button to remove the accidental over-payment.
If the payment did not result in an over payment, simply remove the payment as usual.
Incorrect Invoice Grouping
If you had selected the wrong invoice grouping within an employer profile, the details will need to be rejected as in the previous steps and re-billed again. Before
re-billing, change the invoice grouping within the employer profile and press Save. From this point forward, any details billed for that employer will begin compiling via the newly selected invoice grouping.
Site Settings Affecting Billing
There are a few settings that impact the billing of jobs and how they populate on invoices. Administrators can mostly find these under the Billing section within your site configurations:
- Minimum Job Hours - If personnel report hours that are fewer than the number specified here, PowerDetails will round up the hours and display them in a red font
throughout the site. These can be overridden when the Billing Approval feature is activated on your site.
- Billing Cycle - If a bill cycle is defined in your site settings, invoices generated will
be associated with a cycle either based on the date the job was worked or the date that the job was reported. Additionally, invoice details will automatically group together based on the particular employer's Invoice Grouping.
- Attach Jobs to Bill Cycle - Determines how jobs populate on invoices with grouping settings within your specified bill cycle. Jobs can either attach to invoices
based on when hours are reported or based on the date the job happened.
- Show Jobs Pending Billing on Home Page - If this setting is unchecked, personnel will not be presented with any reminders to report hours worked.
- Require Comment When Job Did Not Go As Scheduled - Unchecking this may make it less noticeable to administrators when a job did not go as scheduled. Requiring
a comment always ensures that you have the full explanation why jobs are being worked differently.
- Time Frame Personnel Must Report Hours - Placing a time frame here ensures that hours gets reported so that administrators and personnel administrators can manage
invoices in a timely fashion.
- Allow Personnel to Report Hours Before Job Ends - Checking this allows personnel to instead report hours as soon as the job's start time occurs. This is not
a recommended setting, as it may result in personnel reporting hours "too soon" and later realizing that changes need to be made.
- Billing Approval - This feature requires an additional step from administrators to confirm reported hours, but may be helpful when minimum hours are often being overridden or you
need extra assurance that invoice details are correct.