Event Log

The Event Log provides a detailed history of all user activity in PowerDetails. Administrators can access this by hovering over Advanced on the top menu bar and clicking Event Log.

Event Log

Events are listed to the right of the filter panel with the most recent activities appearing at the top of the page. To search for a specific event, enter your criteria in the filters press Search. The table below explains the search filters on this page.

Field Description
Type Filters based on the type of event.
Source User User ID of the person who performed an action.
Ref. User User ID of the person affected by an action.
Start/End Date Date range in which to search.
Job ID Specific job ID involved in the event.
Employer If applicable, name of the employer involved in the event.
Invoice ID If applicable, invoice ID involved in the event.

Some common examples of how the Event Log might be used include:

If you need any assistance or more detailed information regarding activity in your site, please reach out to us at support@powerdetails.com.

PowerDetails Logo  Version 4.2